It’s now been a month since I started using the Pascoe Canada Lymphdiaral Cream to help with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), so I thought today was a good day to recap my experience and to give you my final thoughts on both the product and using it for DOMS. In case you missed my […]
The Karen Project – My Phytoplankton Experience
Karen Phytoplankton. I have to admit, when I became a healthy living blogger I never dreamed I would end up writing about phytoplankton – and yet, here we are. Over the years I’ve talked about my various health issues, including fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. I’ve been fortunate enough that I have been prescription free […]
Reflexology Made Easy With FootFixx
Did I ever tell you that back in my days as an office dweller, when my fibromyalgia was at its worst and I could barely make it through the day I took a course on reflexology? It was one of the first things I did on my journey to living a happier, healthier life. Was it life […]
ActiPatch: A Drug-free Way To Manage Chronic Pain
As a fitness instructor with Fibromyaliga, I’m no stranger to aches and pains. There are lots of topical ointments and creams that claim to reduce pain. With the exception of two, I’ve never found any of them to work for me. Those two creams/sprays that do work are great when I am at home for […]
Living An Active Life With Fibromyalgia
Now and again I write about fibromyalgia and what it’s like living with it, but not often. Certainly not often enough considering one reason I started this blog was to show others living with chronic pain that an active life is possible. There have been a number of times I have *said* I was going […]
Synergy Therapeutics Review + A Giveaway
A month or so ago I was contacted by Synergy Therapeutics, a company based here in Canada that sells FIR braces and supports designed to reduce chronic pain from injury and disease. When they came across my website and discovered I had fibromyalgia they contacted me to see if I would be interested in reviewing their […]
It’s Easy To Forget
It’s easy to forget that some illness and disease can’t be seen by the naked eye. I’m not even talking about mental illness, which is certainly invisible to the naked eye and is often brushed off by those who don’t understand. I’m talking about physical issues that don’t show on the surface, and therefore are […]
The Chronic Struggle
I’ve found myself become more comfortable talking about my chronic pain and problems revolving around fibromyalgia, but there is a part of that struggle that up until now I’ve only mentioned to one, maybe two people. And that is the chronic struggle I have with myself everyday. No, I don’t mean the struggle to get […]
Therapeutic Relief from Chronic Pain + Giveaway
Haaaappppy Friday! Surprised that I’m writing on a Friday night? I don’t know why, you must all know I’m a bit of a workaholic. 😉 By now, we all know I have fibromyalgia. Hip-hip-hooray (not really). But I’m fortunate enough to not be on any medications for my condition (And that is a real hip-hip-hooray moment!). […]
Bluenose Half Marathon 2014
Well, I’m going to start off by saying that this week’s vlog is super short. As in less than two minutes short. Why? Well I spent most of the week power working in order to catch up from taking so many days off sick the prior week, which means I didn’t do anything interesting or […]