Ugh, I had this post almost complete then hit some mystery button by mistake and it all disappeared. When will I ever learn to save these things every few minutes? Want to catch up on what happened on day one of my trip? You can read all about it here. Okay, here we go again! Yesterday […]
New Zumbawear Launched at Convention 2011
Any Zumba instructor can tell you – we live for the new Zumba wear releases. It’s a sickness really. One of the perks of going to convention is you get to see the newest release before everyone else does! I wish I had, had enough sense to actually stop and take photos of all the […]
Home from the Zumba Convention
Hi everyone! Long time no type ;) I had hoped to have time to write a few posts while I was in Florida, but we were on the go non-stop trying to make use of ever Florida minute so I didn’t have a chance. Major thanks though to my two good friends Jen and Ang […]
Zumba Convention 2011 Day 1 – Shop Till You Drop!
Today I’m going to re-cap my first day in Florida which was last Wednesday. While I was there for the Zumba Convention, it didn’t start for us until Friday so we had Wednesday and Thursday free to do whatever we wanted – and clearly, we wanted to shop! But let’s first back up a little […]
Working Out At Home {Guest Post}
Today you guys are in for a real treat! While I’m off sweating and shaking my booty at the Zumba Convention, my friend Jen at Family, Food, Fitness & Fun is taking over the blog to tell you all about how she works out (and got in crazy awesome shape) all by working out at home without […]
Delicious Summer Desserts
Hi new friends (it’s ok that I call you friend after just meeting right?) I am Angela. I am super excited that my friend Suzi asked me to guest post for her while she is enjoying the sun and humidity of Florida!Let me tell you a little about me. I love to bake and run. I am a […]
Cooking for someone with Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative Colitis is one of those diseases that really depends on you eating the right types of food in order to find health and remission, but most people are given no guidelines at all when diagnosed. With that in mind, I thought I’d share some tips on how I try to cook healthy and tasty meals for […]
The Most Common Zumba Injury
The most common Zumba injury is probably going to surprise you! I decided tonight I would answer another question I get asked about a lot – Zumba injuries. Since there are many kinds of injuries I’ve decided to focus on what I consider to be the most common Zumba injury. Before I begin, it’s important […]
Easy Brownies
Brownies.What more must I say? Chocolate, dense, and delicious, a good brownie recipe never fails and is always adored by all. This, is my never fail recipe for easy brownies. I’ve taken them to many parties and get togethers and they are always a hit – however they aren’t terribly healthy. But you know me, […]
Overcoming Insecurities
Today I decided I’d write a post about something we all deal with – insecurities, and more importantly overcoming insecurities. No matter who you are, regardless of size, status or beauty insecurities are something we all have in common. Normally we try to hide that which make us insecure, even though for the most part […]